by Quade (Posted Wed, 25 Dec 2013 23:29:21 GMT)
I expect it'll work. Like most desktop apps, I doubt the touch interface will work. You'll have to use a mouse or the touch pad on the keyboard.
Surface pro is just a PC. I've put gigs and gigs of downloads through my android tablet and the surface pro is probably 3-4 times faster so, it should work just fine. My pro broke before I got a chance to try it. Backlight failed. Need to send it in for repair. Apparently this is sort of a common failure.
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I expect it'll work. Like most desktop apps, I doubt the touch interface will work. You'll have to use a mouse or the touch pad on the keyboard.
Surface pro is just a PC. I've put gigs and gigs of downloads through my android tablet and the surface pro is probably 3-4 times faster so, it should work just fine. My pro broke before I got a chance to try it. Backlight failed. Need to send it in for repair. Apparently this is sort of a common failure.
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