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v6.50b18 b3071

by andy (Posted Thu, 26 Dec 2013 02:33:27 GMT)
Please understand: v6.50 does not show any thumbnails at all as I download the images. Classic behavior was to show 7-wide thumbnails of 1-5mb images spinning by like a slot machine on steroids. Wherever they are stored, retrieved, etc I do not care. My reinstall of v6.40 works as it should. This must be sufficient description, n'th time, of the problem I'm reporting.

Sorry about the sarcasm — I should not resort to humor. Nothing funny about this.

So seriously, have a good new year. You are worthy of microsoft's highest award for killing features while experimenting with new bugs. Reporting a problem reminds me of the time our helicopter, over Seattle, was clamped into a heavy fog. The pilot, having no IFR instruments, uses his hearing to edge slowly to nearby a tall office building, where the workers sensed our plight and came to the window. I wrote on the back of a manual with my marker— "Where are we??" in bold letters, and held it up for them to read.

Quickly one of the workers, apparently a leader, wrote back — "In a helicopter!"

To my horror the pilot stomps a rudder pedal, pushes the throttle and twists the collective, and our helicopter dove into the thick clouds. He jinked a few times and slowed to a textbook VFR landing at a nearby airport. When we recovered our speech we all asked how the pilot accomplished the feat.

He replied, "They gave me a technically correct but total BS answer, so I knew that was the microsoft building, and the airport is close by and the way known to me."

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