by g51 (Posted Sun, 15 Jun 2014 02:41:56 GMT)
I understand that, but a color is usually indicative of something (in this case the "automatic header download" state). I'm just saying it's peculiar to have a green indicator for a "disabled automatic header download". Green usually means something is enabled, not disabled. If you don't agree with this statement and it's not too much trouble, perhaps it could be configurable (an option in the .nbi: 0 for green (default), 1 for gray).
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Quade wrote:There really are no "suspended" groups. Groups you uncheck simply won't be processed automatically but, you can still update them by hand and use them.
I understand that, but a color is usually indicative of something (in this case the "automatic header download" state). I'm just saying it's peculiar to have a green indicator for a "disabled automatic header download". Green usually means something is enabled, not disabled. If you don't agree with this statement and it's not too much trouble, perhaps it could be configurable (an option in the .nbi: 0 for green (default), 1 for gray).
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