by driverdude (Posted Fri, 25 Jan 2013 08:23:01 GMT)
Me TOO ! Absolutely.
side note about your original gripe root cause :
Keep in mind sometimes lots of "incomplete" damage is giganews punishing you for too much xfer from one ip address in one time period, changing your ip address (unplugging cable modem, rerolling MAC address with a MAC spoof in router or tool, and getting fresh new IP from a new lease when cable box turned on) will help with giganews. It will all work in that new header fetch. they also throttle your data and mess with it if the account is created from new giganews account with new credit card, and in first few hours, and also on occasions, if your monthly billing credit card is hung stalled, not going through for many days and you are looking like a freeloader. when that happened in astraweb, they just let it ride a couple weeks, and cut you off clean. giganews seemed to resort to odd things in the past.
secondly using a fill server account from astraweb is CRITICAL with mp3s on giganews.
This (no corrupted mp3s) is my ultimate desire in accepting newsbin as my preferred download tool. I love the product and most of its design, but in prior years, my whole usenet existence with other tools, I have never ever ever downloaded and kept corrupted mp3 files. ever. not one file. I also honored and used Yenc with other now unused tools.
I agree with newsbin developers that if pars exist they should be utilized as part of download logic though allowing potentially repairable files to somehow be stored on disc. Using par2 , at least manually for me is part of usenet experience nowadays, even it not always part of mp3 world.
So far, ensuring setting the settings .ini text file up as :
and using a fille server with giganews (astraweb) <<< VITAL and only 11 dollars a month
and leaving it as :
and also using :
(27 hours?)
seems to typically make me quite happy usually with actions of downloading.
I use my own specialized tools to manually sort the stuff i download later, compute and sort sfv checksummed files, compute and sort par2 clusters, repair par2, migrate unrepairable par2, unrar, etc.
I just want a simple usenet DOWNLOAD tool that supports at least one fill server and also tags each file with a ntfs datastream payload, (decript.ion not alone sufficient especially with some current renamed file bugs in newsbin stages, including users on rare occasions uploading decript.ion files themselves)
So far all is happy but I never update the tool often because I fear the writers of newsbin do not test the product often in modes with autoar disabled and auto unrar disabled, or care as much about mp3s as some users.
mp3 collecters suffer from 90 percent of mp3s being encoded WITHOUT internal crcchecks on frames despite part of original mp3 specs, and also pc users (cant blame mac users) from spreading corrupted mp3 files back up to usenet, but creating NEW corrupted mp3 files by usenet download errors from tools that keep damaged files without sorting, marking, flagging, or documenting them well as damaged... including not honoring Yenc in 2012 and 2013 uploads, when yenc can be trusted typically.
My life is mostly a very happy one with this tool, but fear of corrupted mp3 downloads for downloads lacking sfv, md5 , par2, and also lacking internal crc frame checks, is my horror and pain. My paranoia is so bad because I have been shocked too many times in my life to hear a corrupt or SEEMINGLY corrupt file play that I have to forensically validate, that I was driver to do two more things.... store all my files in two collections "mp3s" and "possibly corrupted mp3s''. Pathetic, i know. Bot there are no corrupt mps in my collection in the non corrupted collection.
A second sad result, is that I have to manually keep and scan the diagnostics log from newsbin to look for errors indicating bad yenc error failures, but the main programmer made me happy to provide a log mechanism to extend the log life duration across relaunches, though not fun to scan for yenc damage and i would LOVE LOVE LOVE if it still downloaded 90% complete files that have a valid par2 association of some form proven for future manual par2, but also add a new field to the descript.ion field or even better the NTFS Alternate data steam ted to the file marking it "suspect". Some users would probably love the file name suffixed with (-suspect-), as in "01-barking dog sfx march 1924.mp3" being renamed on disk as "01-barking dog sfx march 1924(-suspect-).mp3"
That is a third option for people who never want to download damaged incomplete mp3 files or even yenc corrupt files, but I would prefer ntfs ADS first (easiest I assume), descript.ion second alternate choice, and filename renaming with suffix (-suspect-) as third option.
Then upgrading new versions of newsbin will be less traumatic and less upsetting to switch to for file collectors that try very very hard to never ever allow a single damaged mp3 file to pollute their world.
All the various "aggressive" and "pause" and "retry" and possible par2 treatment, and such as welcome and flexible options and useful and cherished, but having ability to know which files are suspected as corrupt or KNOWN to have failed download due to missing parts, or bad yenc, is very very important to archivers that use their own tools for repair and analysis and just want to desire newsbin to do one thing : download large lists of files into one large directory with par2s and sfv to be handled in a later manual stage using other tools.
I mention all the above because I have seen the newsbin authors claim that they only really care about newsbin being written to be used with par2 and autorar enabled. EEEEEEKKS. That developer stance makes me understandably feel threatened with the way I will only ever use various builds of the product, and that is as a simple mp3 usenet file downloader that can mark files with ntfs ads database fields, and additionally use backup fill servers to combat the giganews 2010 fiasco. (its not giganews fault probably, and has a lot to do with half hearted takedown compliance steps I think) but I am not knowledgeable in this root matter, just suspecting.
A lot of people (myself too), just use the extremely famous "SABnzbd" for nzb of large assets, and have it do the par2, and unrar, and password spam sniff, even though most usenet download tools handle nzb files obviously. So the developers need to know that the people like me that have autopar off and autounrar off and file folder sort off are people that are not clueless newbies to mistreat, or not heed, but rather sophisticated fanatics who despise file corruption, and are well aware of the use of nzb files and nzb search tools for larger assets.
TLDR summary ': I wish newsbin had a way to mark suspected (known damaged) files by filename suffix or by metadata tied to files, especially including Yenc errors, which are indeed common in mp3 uploads. Yenc is not heeded in newsbin yet for past philosophical reasons, probably tangentially related to concept and emergence of advent of par2 for larger file assets. But Yenc is vital to heed for mp3s lacking par2 or sfv.
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Maxx wrote:I want to STOP newsbin assembling incompletes at all, in fact I would have thought this should be the default.
Me TOO ! Absolutely.
side note about your original gripe root cause :
Keep in mind sometimes lots of "incomplete" damage is giganews punishing you for too much xfer from one ip address in one time period, changing your ip address (unplugging cable modem, rerolling MAC address with a MAC spoof in router or tool, and getting fresh new IP from a new lease when cable box turned on) will help with giganews. It will all work in that new header fetch. they also throttle your data and mess with it if the account is created from new giganews account with new credit card, and in first few hours, and also on occasions, if your monthly billing credit card is hung stalled, not going through for many days and you are looking like a freeloader. when that happened in astraweb, they just let it ride a couple weeks, and cut you off clean. giganews seemed to resort to odd things in the past.
secondly using a fill server account from astraweb is CRITICAL with mp3s on giganews.
This (no corrupted mp3s) is my ultimate desire in accepting newsbin as my preferred download tool. I love the product and most of its design, but in prior years, my whole usenet existence with other tools, I have never ever ever downloaded and kept corrupted mp3 files. ever. not one file. I also honored and used Yenc with other now unused tools.
I agree with newsbin developers that if pars exist they should be utilized as part of download logic though allowing potentially repairable files to somehow be stored on disc. Using par2 , at least manually for me is part of usenet experience nowadays, even it not always part of mp3 world.
So far, ensuring setting the settings .ini text file up as :
and using a fille server with giganews (astraweb) <<< VITAL and only 11 dollars a month
and leaving it as :
and also using :
(27 hours?)
seems to typically make me quite happy usually with actions of downloading.
I use my own specialized tools to manually sort the stuff i download later, compute and sort sfv checksummed files, compute and sort par2 clusters, repair par2, migrate unrepairable par2, unrar, etc.
I just want a simple usenet DOWNLOAD tool that supports at least one fill server and also tags each file with a ntfs datastream payload, (decript.ion not alone sufficient especially with some current renamed file bugs in newsbin stages, including users on rare occasions uploading decript.ion files themselves)
So far all is happy but I never update the tool often because I fear the writers of newsbin do not test the product often in modes with autoar disabled and auto unrar disabled, or care as much about mp3s as some users.
mp3 collecters suffer from 90 percent of mp3s being encoded WITHOUT internal crcchecks on frames despite part of original mp3 specs, and also pc users (cant blame mac users) from spreading corrupted mp3 files back up to usenet, but creating NEW corrupted mp3 files by usenet download errors from tools that keep damaged files without sorting, marking, flagging, or documenting them well as damaged... including not honoring Yenc in 2012 and 2013 uploads, when yenc can be trusted typically.
My life is mostly a very happy one with this tool, but fear of corrupted mp3 downloads for downloads lacking sfv, md5 , par2, and also lacking internal crc frame checks, is my horror and pain. My paranoia is so bad because I have been shocked too many times in my life to hear a corrupt or SEEMINGLY corrupt file play that I have to forensically validate, that I was driver to do two more things.... store all my files in two collections "mp3s" and "possibly corrupted mp3s''. Pathetic, i know. Bot there are no corrupt mps in my collection in the non corrupted collection.
A second sad result, is that I have to manually keep and scan the diagnostics log from newsbin to look for errors indicating bad yenc error failures, but the main programmer made me happy to provide a log mechanism to extend the log life duration across relaunches, though not fun to scan for yenc damage and i would LOVE LOVE LOVE if it still downloaded 90% complete files that have a valid par2 association of some form proven for future manual par2, but also add a new field to the descript.ion field or even better the NTFS Alternate data steam ted to the file marking it "suspect". Some users would probably love the file name suffixed with (-suspect-), as in "01-barking dog sfx march 1924.mp3" being renamed on disk as "01-barking dog sfx march 1924(-suspect-).mp3"
That is a third option for people who never want to download damaged incomplete mp3 files or even yenc corrupt files, but I would prefer ntfs ADS first (easiest I assume), descript.ion second alternate choice, and filename renaming with suffix (-suspect-) as third option.
Then upgrading new versions of newsbin will be less traumatic and less upsetting to switch to for file collectors that try very very hard to never ever allow a single damaged mp3 file to pollute their world.
All the various "aggressive" and "pause" and "retry" and possible par2 treatment, and such as welcome and flexible options and useful and cherished, but having ability to know which files are suspected as corrupt or KNOWN to have failed download due to missing parts, or bad yenc, is very very important to archivers that use their own tools for repair and analysis and just want to desire newsbin to do one thing : download large lists of files into one large directory with par2s and sfv to be handled in a later manual stage using other tools.
I mention all the above because I have seen the newsbin authors claim that they only really care about newsbin being written to be used with par2 and autorar enabled. EEEEEEKKS. That developer stance makes me understandably feel threatened with the way I will only ever use various builds of the product, and that is as a simple mp3 usenet file downloader that can mark files with ntfs ads database fields, and additionally use backup fill servers to combat the giganews 2010 fiasco. (its not giganews fault probably, and has a lot to do with half hearted takedown compliance steps I think) but I am not knowledgeable in this root matter, just suspecting.
A lot of people (myself too), just use the extremely famous "SABnzbd" for nzb of large assets, and have it do the par2, and unrar, and password spam sniff, even though most usenet download tools handle nzb files obviously. So the developers need to know that the people like me that have autopar off and autounrar off and file folder sort off are people that are not clueless newbies to mistreat, or not heed, but rather sophisticated fanatics who despise file corruption, and are well aware of the use of nzb files and nzb search tools for larger assets.
TLDR summary ': I wish newsbin had a way to mark suspected (known damaged) files by filename suffix or by metadata tied to files, especially including Yenc errors, which are indeed common in mp3 uploads. Yenc is not heeded in newsbin yet for past philosophical reasons, probably tangentially related to concept and emergence of advent of par2 for larger file assets. But Yenc is vital to heed for mp3s lacking par2 or sfv.
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