by Semel (Posted Thu, 24 Jan 2013 05:55:37 GMT)
Yup. I was astonished,
Surprisingly the old and very old stuff is OK. On Astraweb i mean. But i guess something has yet again happened on their servers and they lost yet again many articles.
I never thought i would say that but it seems highwinds servers seem to have better completeness than AW and GN. lol it used to be the other way around.
I have usenet server also and at least in my experience it looks much better and they dont have absolutely ridiculous autodmca
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Yup. I was astonished,
Surprisingly the old and very old stuff is OK. On Astraweb i mean. But i guess something has yet again happened on their servers and they lost yet again many articles.
I never thought i would say that but it seems highwinds servers seem to have better completeness than AW and GN. lol it used to be the other way around.
I have usenet server also and at least in my experience it looks much better and they dont have absolutely ridiculous autodmca
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