by chewspam (Posted Wed, 09 Jan 2013 23:04:04 GMT)
For the knowledge base:
Mimo doesn't create a NZB by default. I don't know how it downloads the post, but it doesn't use an NZB which may be it's downfall. I'm telling you, Mimo really sucks. Anyway, you have to right click on the post you select and choose "copy NZB to clipboard". From that point open up notepad and create your own NZB. Use that to open up Newsbin Pro.
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Quade wrote:Can you generate NZB files from Mimo? If so, feed them into Newsbin, if not, you may be SOL.
For the knowledge base:
Mimo doesn't create a NZB by default. I don't know how it downloads the post, but it doesn't use an NZB which may be it's downfall. I'm telling you, Mimo really sucks. Anyway, you have to right click on the post you select and choose "copy NZB to clipboard". From that point open up notepad and create your own NZB. Use that to open up Newsbin Pro.
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