by Quade (Posted Tue, 14 Oct 2014 07:58:19 GMT)
Newsbin downloads headers as quickly as it can to disk, then imports them with a single thread into the database. What you download headers, you'll get CPU load till the import finishes. If you download all headers from a new group for instance, this can take awhile.
If you look down where it says "Cache" there's a number in parens (XX). This number is the number of blocks of headers it's importing.
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Newsbin downloads headers as quickly as it can to disk, then imports them with a single thread into the database. What you download headers, you'll get CPU load till the import finishes. If you download all headers from a new group for instance, this can take awhile.
If you look down where it says "Cache" there's a number in parens (XX). This number is the number of blocks of headers it's importing.
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