by Quade (Posted Tue, 19 Aug 2014 08:38:45 GMT)
Newsbin doesn't actually keep track of "headers" or "posts" at that level. By the time there's something to display, all the posts have gotten combined together into files so, files are what's counted.
It tells you you've already looked at the new files for this group. So, that's something.
You know the "new/old" state of the posts will tell you what you just downloaded too. You can set Newsbin to automatically "old" posts you've looked at so, when you look at the updated group, only the new files will be green.
If I understand what you're looking for, you're just looking at a "total files" in a group with no time factor at all, just totals?
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What I want to see up front is how many file headers I have actually physically downloaded in a given group. If I want to know how many are "new" then I can just use the age filters when I peruse that group.
Newsbin doesn't actually keep track of "headers" or "posts" at that level. By the time there's something to display, all the posts have gotten combined together into files so, files are what's counted.
As it stands now, I can download a hundred thousand headers in a group, but as soon as I look in that group, the "new files" counter goes to 0, and I'm stuck with a list of groups with zeros in the "new files" column which tells me absolutely NOTHING.
It tells you you've already looked at the new files for this group. So, that's something.
You know the "new/old" state of the posts will tell you what you just downloaded too. You can set Newsbin to automatically "old" posts you've looked at so, when you look at the updated group, only the new files will be green.
If I understand what you're looking for, you're just looking at a "total files" in a group with no time factor at all, just totals?
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