by coyote2 (Posted Wed, 02 Jan 2013 20:38:18 GMT)
Interesting; I only learned about this because Revo uninstalled then reinstalled 6.41RC. The 6.41RC on my other machine had no Search pane I guess because I updated from a version that was allowed on.
But in trying to get rid of it on the fresh install, now I've got it on the other machine (since I enabled it to try to learn how to disable it). On the "other" machine I can dock the Search pane off the Newsbin window entirely, which is nice. Nothing I try gets rid of it on the fresh install, I just pull up the top of the Downloading Files pane to cover most of it.
Just posted to note my experience, I'm perfectly happy as is!
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Quade wrote:Ignore it? Use it?
In the latest beta, if you pick a topic or type in a group, it'll show you the newest posts for that group or topic if you enter nothing in the search string. I use it sometimes to see the latest stuff in groups I monitor.
This is sort of "beating a dead horse" kind of topic. The placement is what it is until I think of something better.
Interesting; I only learned about this because Revo uninstalled then reinstalled 6.41RC. The 6.41RC on my other machine had no Search pane I guess because I updated from a version that was allowed on.
But in trying to get rid of it on the fresh install, now I've got it on the other machine (since I enabled it to try to learn how to disable it). On the "other" machine I can dock the Search pane off the Newsbin window entirely, which is nice. Nothing I try gets rid of it on the fresh install, I just pull up the top of the Downloading Files pane to cover most of it.
Just posted to note my experience, I'm perfectly happy as is!
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