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SEARCH Paid Subscription Trouble

by andy (Posted Wed, 02 Jul 2014 04:05:43 GMT)
Dexter & Quade ... ... ... Gentlemen:
That's the first acknowledged "bug" I've found in over twelve years of earnest, even strident, reporting. Usually you team up to unscrew my head a rev or two and set me straight.

I read the docs, and thank you humbly. When I began an electronics career in earnest in 1969 I wrote instruction manuals for secret military black-boxes. Integrated circuits were pretty new then, like the 7400 Quad NAND gate package. It took about an hour for the Old Man to slap me up beside the head and convince me to never, ever, even thinking about writing or even softly intoning the Holy Quint (AND, OR, NOT, NOR, and NAND) in any but capital spelling (the afore-mentioned AND and and an example). Geezus, guys, I have never had the pleasure of writing "and" three times in a row with even glancing grammatical correctness. Thanks, thanks!

What I especially like is the new handling of a "a quoted phrase" to seek the major words in order, and its ability to find 'QuOtEd PhRaSe' and all the variants and mutations without looking for the double quote marks themselves. I assume if I wanted the cumbersome clutch I would type the folloring into the search line:
""a quoted phrase"" using doublets of double quotes? Thanks for a once-in-a-lifetime chance to apply a dash of assonance.
Yo, Bubbas!
I just tried (It's Now Or Never) (no parenthesis) and got 1121 damn good lines of results. Now it's up to GigaNooze and the DMCA Goons to see if Our Lady of Completion and Retention killed my catch/cache ... and there's few times "catch" or "cache" can be used more-or-less interchangeably. I'll explore further useage nuances of quotes/Boolean searches. Thanks again

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