by Quade (Posted Thu, 22 May 2014 22:06:28 GMT)
I sent you a PM. Basically there was nothing wrong with how you posted, the search server itself was messed up.
You helped ID a real problem. Thanks.
Dex re-ran the feed and it seems fine now. We're close to testing a new search engine that ID's spam and encrypted files. It combines NFO's and other meta files in with the compacted set so, you can use large size filters and still get the NFO files. The plan if for Newsbin to let you Ctrl-R a compacted set, and it'll downloaded the files into wordpad for you.
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I sent you a PM. Basically there was nothing wrong with how you posted, the search server itself was messed up.
You helped ID a real problem. Thanks.
Dex re-ran the feed and it seems fine now. We're close to testing a new search engine that ID's spam and encrypted files. It combines NFO's and other meta files in with the compacted set so, you can use large size filters and still get the NFO files. The plan if for Newsbin to let you Ctrl-R a compacted set, and it'll downloaded the files into wordpad for you.
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