by Quade (Posted Fri, 16 May 2014 00:18:23 GMT)
PM me an example file. I'll check it out. Incomplete missing the first part of the file with the wrong name, simply won't work with quickpar or with Newsbin.
There are three ways to ID the file.
1 - The first 16K of the file.
2 - The hash of the entire file
3 - The filename, if it's correct.
If none of this is available, which seems to be what you're describing, you're going to have to fix it by hand. As long as the first chunk is available, Newsbin should be able to ID the file. Basically the file is completely missing to Newsbin so, that's probably why it doesn't trigger a repair.
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PM me an example file. I'll check it out. Incomplete missing the first part of the file with the wrong name, simply won't work with quickpar or with Newsbin.
There are three ways to ID the file.
1 - The first 16K of the file.
2 - The hash of the entire file
3 - The filename, if it's correct.
If none of this is available, which seems to be what you're describing, you're going to have to fix it by hand. As long as the first chunk is available, Newsbin should be able to ID the file. Basically the file is completely missing to Newsbin so, that's probably why it doesn't trigger a repair.
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