by bowlasoup (Posted Mon, 05 May 2014 14:10:12 GMT)
The files I downloaded last night have all vanished. Newsbin shows completed downloads for all files and parts in the download queue, and an incomplete selection of the files are listed in the Files List. Clicking any of those files in the files list brings up a dialog box:
Nothing was assembled, and the log shows these messages:
My guess is Newsbin automatically created folders named for the thread subject (which is 221 characters in this case), causing the UnRAR subdirectory to go beyond the 256 character path limit, and then something happened.
The original file names were long descriptive names, but the downloaded files all had shortened names like "D_part122.rar.nb2", don't know if that's relevant.
The files came from an NZB. My intention was to use "Download to Existing Folder" though I realize I may have accidentally used "Download to a folder named for subject". The parent folder has a short file name not far from the root of the drive, which has over a terabyte of space left.
Is there some other place these vanished files might have been copied to in the UnRAR process?
I recovered most of the very last file saved using a recovery utility (Recuva), but was unable to recover the files downloaded before it. I could see the disappearing files/parts had been deleted after each UnRAR process failed, and were then overwritten by whatever was currently downloading.
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The files I downloaded last night have all vanished. Newsbin shows completed downloads for all files and parts in the download queue, and an incomplete selection of the files are listed in the Files List. Clicking any of those files in the files list brings up a dialog box:
Windows can't find the file:
Nothing was assembled, and the log shows these messages:
ERROR UnRAR Failed: Cannot open:
ERROR AutoPARPlugin: UnRAR failed:
ERROR AutoPARPlugin: Autopar Block Counts Indicate good files but, UnRAR FAILED: No UnRAR:
My guess is Newsbin automatically created folders named for the thread subject (which is 221 characters in this case), causing the UnRAR subdirectory to go beyond the 256 character path limit, and then something happened.
The original file names were long descriptive names, but the downloaded files all had shortened names like "D_part122.rar.nb2", don't know if that's relevant.
The files came from an NZB. My intention was to use "Download to Existing Folder" though I realize I may have accidentally used "Download to a folder named for subject". The parent folder has a short file name not far from the root of the drive, which has over a terabyte of space left.
Is there some other place these vanished files might have been copied to in the UnRAR process?
I recovered most of the very last file saved using a recovery utility (Recuva), but was unable to recover the files downloaded before it. I could see the disappearing files/parts had been deleted after each UnRAR process failed, and were then overwritten by whatever was currently downloading.
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