by dexter (Posted Wed, 02 Apr 2014 12:18:41 GMT)
Doesn't impact the functionality. You can check the title bar at the top of Newsbin, it should say 6.51 Build 3162. That is the latest production release.
If you originally installed from a distributor site, even years ago, it would retain this title. The only difference is the order link would go to the distributor site, which used to be RegNow. I guess it's time to update that...
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Doesn't impact the functionality. You can check the title bar at the top of Newsbin, it should say 6.51 Build 3162. That is the latest production release.
If you originally installed from a distributor site, even years ago, it would retain this title. The only difference is the order link would go to the distributor site, which used to be RegNow. I guess it's time to update that...
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