by Quade (Posted Fri, 27 Dec 2013 15:41:24 GMT)
The numbers indicate the group is empty. What group is it?
I think it sounds like a server problem. In the network options, set "Show Server Commands".
Download headers for a problem group, then look for this in the logging tab.
211 - ok
5975819 - min record
3200722 - max record
9176540 - record count
alt.binaries.comics.dcp - group name.
These numbers tell you the state of the group you're trying to download headers from.
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The numbers indicate the group is empty. What group is it?
I think it sounds like a server problem. In the network options, set "Show Server Commands".
Download headers for a problem group, then look for this in the logging tab.
[13:39:44] HIGH AW alt.binaries.comics.dcp GROUP alt.binaries.comics.dcp | 211 5975819 3200722 9176540 alt.binaries.comics.dcp
211 - ok
5975819 - min record
3200722 - max record
9176540 - record count
alt.binaries.comics.dcp - group name.
These numbers tell you the state of the group you're trying to download headers from.
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