by DThor (Posted Wed, 28 Nov 2012 09:00:11 GMT)
Download directory in previous versions could be altered in something like 4 completely different locations in options, not my personal opinion of "neat and organized". Now, you define this in a single location, plus you have a lot more options should you require them.
Download path, in options, has a browse button, which you use to define the basic root directory, set then close that, then hit the Edit button to customize this. There are lots of variables you can use to define locations, such as group name. I'm a little unclear how you previously had files stored in a group folder and then an "existing" folder inside that. Perhaps I'm mis-remembering the way it used to work, but I don't think it was an existing name, it was something that was derived from the post. Maybe I'm wrong, but the upshot now is sure, you can specify a $GROUP variable and follow it with whatever name you want, or another variable. It's quite flexible.
Yes, was changed to, but path length becomes an issue very quickly for people, do you really need that spelled out everywhere?
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Download directory in previous versions could be altered in something like 4 completely different locations in options, not my personal opinion of "neat and organized". Now, you define this in a single location, plus you have a lot more options should you require them.
Download path, in options, has a browse button, which you use to define the basic root directory, set then close that, then hit the Edit button to customize this. There are lots of variables you can use to define locations, such as group name. I'm a little unclear how you previously had files stored in a group folder and then an "existing" folder inside that. Perhaps I'm mis-remembering the way it used to work, but I don't think it was an existing name, it was something that was derived from the post. Maybe I'm wrong, but the upshot now is sure, you can specify a $GROUP variable and follow it with whatever name you want, or another variable. It's quite flexible.
Yes, was changed to, but path length becomes an issue very quickly for people, do you really need that spelled out everywhere?
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