by MZmuda (Posted Sat, 30 Nov 2013 13:57:40 GMT)
I'd love to see some additional informational columns added to the Downloading Files tab:
Time/Date Added : The time the message / file was added to the DL queue.
Time/Date Started: The time the message / file started DLing (in earnest... NOT just the time that NB downloaded a chunk for testing purposes, but the time that the file(s) started downloading continuously.)
Est. Time Remaining: The amount of time that the file still has to download.
(if completed files were NOT removed from the DL tab as they completed...)
Time to DL : The amount of time it took for the file to download in its entirety.
- Z
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I'd love to see some additional informational columns added to the Downloading Files tab:
Time/Date Added : The time the message / file was added to the DL queue.
Time/Date Started: The time the message / file started DLing (in earnest... NOT just the time that NB downloaded a chunk for testing purposes, but the time that the file(s) started downloading continuously.)
Est. Time Remaining: The amount of time that the file still has to download.
(if completed files were NOT removed from the DL tab as they completed...)
Time to DL : The amount of time it took for the file to download in its entirety.
- Z
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