by Quade (Posted Fri, 29 Nov 2013 16:16:19 GMT)
Yeah, I'm not talking "Internet Explorer (IE)" I'm talking about windows explorer. You know, the thing you use to browse files on your hard disk? When you said you don't use explorer, I immediately assumed you were talking about IE and not windows explorer.
I don't use IE but, I use Windows explorer 100 times a day. It's windows that generates these thumbnail files, not your browser
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Yeah, I'm not talking "Internet Explorer (IE)" I'm talking about windows explorer. You know, the thing you use to browse files on your hard disk? When you said you don't use explorer, I immediately assumed you were talking about IE and not windows explorer.
I don't use IE but, I use Windows explorer 100 times a day. It's windows that generates these thumbnail files, not your browser
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