by UPdown (Posted Wed, 20 Nov 2013 02:41:37 GMT)
More data: Every one of the downloads faults the same way. All the main chunks are listed as having successfully downloaded. NONE of the volume repair files downloads. So, you highlight them and say, alternatively, Download or Download-Bypass Filters. You go to the download filter and double click on the par2 file and it ALWAYS says each chunk is incomplete, missing X blocks. All of the volume repair files EXCEPT the first one are listed as damaged. And when you double-click and let QuickPar run, it grounds to a halt with both the Repair and Stop buttons disabled.
I've tried disabling each of eSet and ZoneAlarm. No go. Even both at the same time disabled, which makes my skin crawl, fails. My system is currently doing a backup that moves a bunch of files between two of the NAS drives. Maybe THAT's the futzing component. I use FastCopy 2.11. The issue I would have there is that I've been doing that for all of this year. I'll have to wait until tomorrow night for it to finish (I'm moving a LOT of archival files to a soon to be shelved drive). Maybe I can try then. I can't honestly remember when I started the copy process in relation to when Newsbin started failing just short of the finish line again.
That's all I have left. My energy for this thing is gone.
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More data: Every one of the downloads faults the same way. All the main chunks are listed as having successfully downloaded. NONE of the volume repair files downloads. So, you highlight them and say, alternatively, Download or Download-Bypass Filters. You go to the download filter and double click on the par2 file and it ALWAYS says each chunk is incomplete, missing X blocks. All of the volume repair files EXCEPT the first one are listed as damaged. And when you double-click and let QuickPar run, it grounds to a halt with both the Repair and Stop buttons disabled.
I've tried disabling each of eSet and ZoneAlarm. No go. Even both at the same time disabled, which makes my skin crawl, fails. My system is currently doing a backup that moves a bunch of files between two of the NAS drives. Maybe THAT's the futzing component. I use FastCopy 2.11. The issue I would have there is that I've been doing that for all of this year. I'll have to wait until tomorrow night for it to finish (I'm moving a LOT of archival files to a soon to be shelved drive). Maybe I can try then. I can't honestly remember when I started the copy process in relation to when Newsbin started failing just short of the finish line again.
That's all I have left. My energy for this thing is gone.
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