by Quade (Posted Sun, 17 Nov 2013 09:44:18 GMT)
Yeah...I expect it'll mean little change in import performance because 10 posts is basically just unnoticeable noise. The groups that get millions of posts a day is where the performance is going. You're trying to optimize the wrong thing.
Either way, you can change the overlap in the server options to as little as 1, 0 will make it default to 10 so, you could try 1 and see if it makes a difference. I'll remember this if you come to me in the next couple weeks complaining about incomplete files. 'cause that's what you're asking for.
I'll give you a decent optimization, remove the dead groups from your groups list so, they're not polled at all.
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Yeah...I expect it'll mean little change in import performance because 10 posts is basically just unnoticeable noise. The groups that get millions of posts a day is where the performance is going. You're trying to optimize the wrong thing.
Either way, you can change the overlap in the server options to as little as 1, 0 will make it default to 10 so, you could try 1 and see if it makes a difference. I'll remember this if you come to me in the next couple weeks complaining about incomplete files. 'cause that's what you're asking for.
I'll give you a decent optimization, remove the dead groups from your groups list so, they're not polled at all.
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