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6.50 Beta 13, Incomplete files being discarded

by Plankton (Posted Thu, 12 Sep 2013 10:06:29 GMT)
Quade wrote:
If we download data then it should stay in the download folder with rar/par and all parts until we decide ourselves what to do with it considering you can often repair files with quickpar that have failed with with newsbin par.

I'm not clear what you're complaining about. The files remain.

Moving to the failed list doesn't delete anything. It just gets it out of the way of the good files. You can manually repair from the download folder or the files list or do anything you want with the downloaded files. Files with PARS and with autopar enabled never get moved to the failed list anyway. They remain in the download list and continue trying till you do something about it.

Often with failed / stuck downloads you might get the first par in the download folder but the rest are missing so i'm not sure if that is what Busty means?

I've often found myself loading up another client to re-download a NZB so you get all the parts as it's quicker than waiting around sometimes for parts to be Assembled from the Incompletes

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