by sinkdiver (Posted Fri, 09 Aug 2013 18:42:40 GMT)
version:6.42: 00 62 70 7A 42 E6
I've got both Giganews and Usenet accounts load-sharing - no headers from Giganews. All works fine when I run full speed, but when I set speed limiter, I get duplicates (5%-20%). I'm sure it's operator error - so what knob do I need to tweak?
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version:6.42: 00 62 70 7A 42 E6
I've got both Giganews and Usenet accounts load-sharing - no headers from Giganews. All works fine when I run full speed, but when I set speed limiter, I get duplicates (5%-20%). I'm sure it's operator error - so what knob do I need to tweak?
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