by Quade (Posted Fri, 21 Jun 2013 14:32:21 GMT)
1 - You can already have as many search tabs as you want, in the current betas. Just click the search button again.
2 - Not sure what you mean by "Different". With GOG's, you've already loaded up all the data. With the search tab, you're only supposed to be loading up matching things so, that's probably why they're different. They serve different purposes.
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1 - You can already have as many search tabs as you want, in the current betas. Just click the search button again.
2 - Not sure what you mean by "Different". With GOG's, you've already loaded up all the data. With the search tab, you're only supposed to be loading up matching things so, that's probably why they're different. They serve different purposes.
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