by mbourgon (Posted Sun, 16 Jun 2013 22:21:37 GMT)
Sorry, came off wrong (and I actually tested that RE
. Part of the filter problem is, depending on the group, it's hard to tell what are (for example) different episodes of a show you don't care about. I'm trying to figure out how you'd make an easier filter system.
Performance - yup, I've dropped it, but it still has to reload the headers. And on some of the larger groups, that's still considerable.
Headers - thanks for the warning, I know I have some as some posters use them.
Sqlite: if I'm reading their docs right, I'm using an out-of-date client or one that doesn't support the full syntax. Nevermind.
Watch Lists - yes, but my goal at this point is to find new shows worth watching... drinking from the firehose has shown me cool things I might not see otherwise, so I need to find a good way to do that.
Thanks again for an awesome app!
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Sorry, came off wrong (and I actually tested that RE

Performance - yup, I've dropped it, but it still has to reload the headers. And on some of the larger groups, that's still considerable.
Headers - thanks for the warning, I know I have some as some posters use them.
Sqlite: if I'm reading their docs right, I'm using an out-of-date client or one that doesn't support the full syntax. Nevermind.
Watch Lists - yes, but my goal at this point is to find new shows worth watching... drinking from the firehose has shown me cool things I might not see otherwise, so I need to find a good way to do that.
Thanks again for an awesome app!
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