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by Quade (Posted Sat, 08 Jun 2013 07:38:58 GMT)
The tools are there to trouble-shoot this.

- Looking at the PAR counts. If you don't have at least 90% of the files PAR blocks downloaded for instance, Newsbin won't even attempt to repair.
- Hit the plus icon and look at the files. Any file that says "Downloading" hasn't completed yet.
- If they all say "Downloaded" you might want to manually unpause the rest of the PAR files.
- Use Quickpar on the PAR files you have downloaded to see if the file set seems repairable.
- If you want to force the issue, you can right click "Assemble incompletes" and it'll assemble what it has and perhaps repair.

10% repair pars is the default threshold. Meaning it assumes it has 10% pars which in this case would be 7 gigs worth it sounds like. You can still add the remaining pars by unpausing them.

Normally there's no need to start from scratch. Usenet doesn't get better, the quality of the files instead decays with time.

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