by fliptron (Posted Wed, 05 Jun 2013 17:06:16 GMT)
Hi Quade,
The group is alt.binaries.inner-sanctum
There seem to be two main posters:
Hashtag@nzb.file (these are the posts I tend to be interested in, except the music ones)
and newz[NZB] who mostly post music that I am not interested in.
I remove most of the music files with this filter:
What remains (mostly) are files with subjects that are 32 hex characters, and then the nfo/zip/par
There may be some decoding of 32 hex characters, but I have not found any info about that.
I tried the "Download to folder named for Subject" and it created 1 folder named
"2a3d231cf542fcab4b27d2c17ae8c6c6 - yEnc" (Subject of first .nfo)
and put all the nfo files in the 1 folder (in my case 10 files, 4 with the -(0001) suffix).
In the "File List" tab it only lists 6 files, none with the suffix.
Thanks for your stunningly fast and on-target response to my noob questions. I wish
all software vendors were so good!
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Hi Quade,
The group is alt.binaries.inner-sanctum
There seem to be two main posters:
Hashtag@nzb.file (these are the posts I tend to be interested in, except the music ones)
and newz[NZB] who mostly post music that I am not interested in.
I remove most of the music files with this filter:
What remains (mostly) are files with subjects that are 32 hex characters, and then the nfo/zip/par
There may be some decoding of 32 hex characters, but I have not found any info about that.
I tried the "Download to folder named for Subject" and it created 1 folder named
"2a3d231cf542fcab4b27d2c17ae8c6c6 - yEnc" (Subject of first .nfo)
and put all the nfo files in the 1 folder (in my case 10 files, 4 with the -(0001) suffix).
In the "File List" tab it only lists 6 files, none with the suffix.
Thanks for your stunningly fast and on-target response to my noob questions. I wish
all software vendors were so good!
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