by megalomando (Posted Mon, 03 Jun 2013 19:15:16 GMT)
That's good to know and thanks for the reply.
Not sure how immune Astraweb is from having to give up IP addresses when told to. A few years ago I got a copyright infringement notice from my isp thanks to bittorrent showing my isp and I got snagged, I don't want to get that hassle again. I wasn't sure if I needed something like btguard to insure that doesn't happen with Newsbin.
And yes, I have SSL enabled in Newsbin.
Thanks again for the info.
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That's good to know and thanks for the reply.
Not sure how immune Astraweb is from having to give up IP addresses when told to. A few years ago I got a copyright infringement notice from my isp thanks to bittorrent showing my isp and I got snagged, I don't want to get that hassle again. I wasn't sure if I needed something like btguard to insure that doesn't happen with Newsbin.
And yes, I have SSL enabled in Newsbin.
Thanks again for the info.
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